Boost Note, the Best Free Note-Taking Software for Coders

Wafiq Syed
2 min readJan 31, 2020

Computer science is a field where you learn something new every day. It can be tough to keep track of the lifesaving code snippets you find on StackOverFlow. Or a new package that gives you features you didn’t know you need till you came across them.

Meet Boost Note. It’s my favourite light-weight, note-taking software for coding. Oh, and it’s FREE!

Boost Note interface for desktop and mobile. Source:

My favourite features:

  • Markdown Support — You can type in markdown format. This is perfect for developers who are familiar with markdown. Notice, in the diagram above, there’s two panels showing the same text. The left side is the markdown format, the right side is the result. If you’re not familiar with markdown, visit this link:
  • Code Snippets — To add a code snippet you can either surround text with ```CODE```, or you can indent twice and begin typing. Note, if you use the latter method, there needs to be a blank line above your code snippet.
  • Copy and Paster — You can copy and paste images/links straight into your note and it’ll automatically convert it into markdown format.
  • Folders — The UI is well organized and you

Have you used Boost Note before? Do you have an alternative tool that you use? Let me know in the comments!



Wafiq Syed

Analytical lead at Google, Master’s of Management of AI (MMAI)